Monday, June 3, 2024

The Journey

Me: Write a fantasy poem about a soul’s journey through reincarnation

In the realm of dreams, where spirits roam free,
A soul embarks on a journey, a destiny to decree.
Through the mists of time, in a cosmic dance,
It seeks the path of reincarnate chance.

On wings of light, the soul takes flight,
Through realms of wonder, in the ethereal night.
Past galaxies and stars, where dreams align,
It seeks the vessel where life intertwines.

Through whispers of wind and echoes of song,
The soul finds solace, where it belongs.
In the tapestry of life, a thread untold,
A story of rebirth, yet to unfold.

Through valleys of sorrow and mountains of joy,
The soul wanders on, its spirit coy.
In the embrace of time, it finds its place,
A dance of cycles, in endless grace.

And when the moment comes, at journey's end,
The soul descends, to earth to send.
In the tender embrace of a newborn's cry,
It begins anew, beneath the open sky.

For in the cycle of life, where dreams take flight,
The soul finds solace, in eternal light.
A journey of rebirth, a cosmic dance,
In the realm of dreams, where spirits prance.

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