Monday, June 3, 2024

The Boy and His Dragon

Me: Write a poem about a boy and a dragon

In a valley green, where mountains rise,
A boy once roamed, with curious eyes.
He wandered far, through woods so deep,
Where secrets of the ancient sleep.

One fateful day, in a hidden glen,
He met a dragon, in its fiery den.
Scales of emerald, eyes like gold,
A creature from the legends old.

The boy, with wonder, approached with care,
A bond unspoken, hung in the air.
The dragon's roar, a thunderous sound,
Yet gentle eyes looked all around.

"Why have you come?" the dragon asked,
The boy replied, with courage unmasked,
"I seek adventure, a tale untold,
To find a friend, both brave and bold."

The dragon smiled, a knowing gleam,
"Then climb upon, we'll chase your dream."
With wings outspread, they soared the skies,
Two kindred spirits, in a world so high.

Through storms they flew, and starry nights,
The boy and dragon, in daring flights.
They faced the dangers, side by side,
With hearts as one, they took each stride.

In distant lands, where sun meets sea,
They found the truths of what could be.
A friendship forged in fire and flight,
A bond that glowed in the darkest night.

The boy grew strong, with dragon's might,
Together they brought wrongs to right.
In tales of old, their story's spun,
Of a boy and dragon, forever one.

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