Monday, June 3, 2024

Pup Sees Dead People

Me: Write a poem about a dog who can see ghosts

In the moon's soft glow, where shadows play,
A dog roams free, in the night's array.
With eyes that pierce the veil of the unseen,
It walks the earth, where spirits convene.

Through haunted halls and forgotten lanes,
The dog sees ghosts, with silent refrains.
Ethereal whispers, in the still of the night,
A spectral dance, in the pale moonlight.

With each bark and howl, it warns the living,
Of the spirits that linger, their stories unforgiving.
Yet in the presence of ghosts, it finds no fear,
For its spirit is boundless, its courage clear.

In the depths of darkness, where phantoms roam,
The dog stands guard, in its earthly home.
A guardian of realms, both seen and unseen,
In the moon's soft glow, where mysteries convene.

For in the dog's eyes, a truth is found,
A world beyond the senses, profound.
In the company of ghosts, it finds its place,
A faithful companion in the cosmic race.


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