Monday, June 3, 2024

The Monster in the Closet

Me: Write a scary poem about a monster in the closet

In the dead of night, when the world is still,
A monster lurks, with a chilling thrill.
In the closet's depths, where darkness reigns,
It waits in silence, its hunger unchained.

Its eyes gleam with malice, its breath a hiss,
A creature of nightmares, in the abyss.
With claws like daggers, and teeth like knives,
It waits in shadows, where fear thrives.

Whispers echo in the silent room,
Of a monster's curse, a dreadful doom.
Children shiver beneath their sheets,
As the monster stalks, its hunger replete.

In the closet's depths, it bides its time,
A terror unseen, a master of crime.
Its presence haunts the child's dreams,
In the realm of fear, where darkness gleams.

But in the light of dawn, the monster flees,
Back to the shadows, where it's at ease.
Yet in the minds of children, its memory lingers,
A sinister presence, with ghostly fingers.

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