Monday, June 3, 2024

The Beggar

Me: Write a poem about a beggar in the streets

On the cobblestone streets, where shadows linger,
A beggar sits alone, with hands outstretched, a singer.
His clothes worn thin, his face weathered and worn,
A silent plea, amidst the bustling urban storm.

With eyes downcast, he watches the world go by,
A silent witness to life's relentless sigh.
His cup holds dreams, in coins and notes,
A mosaic of hope, in whispered anecdotes.

He once walked tall, with pride in his stride,
But fate's cruel hand, left him cast aside.
Now he sits in silence, his story untold,
In the city's heart, where dreams unfold.

Passersby hurry, their footsteps quick and fleet,
But some pause to listen, to the beggar's beat.
For in his song, a melody rings true,
A symphony of sorrow, in shades of blue.

In the beggar's eyes, a spark remains,
A glimmer of hope, amidst life's stains.
For in the depths of despair, he finds his worth,
A testament to resilience, on the streets of earth.

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