Monday, June 3, 2024

Same Shit Different Day


Me: Write a poem about boredom and monotony in life

In the monotony of everyday's play,
Boredom creeps in, an unwelcome dismay.
Routine's embrace, a suffocating shroud,
Where time drifts by, silent and loud.

Days blur into weeks, weeks into years,
A cycle of sameness, fueling our fears.
The clock ticks on, relentless and slow,
As we yearn for a spark, a new path to sow.

In the humdrum of life's routine,
Creativity stifled, passion unseen.
Mundane moments stretch endlessly,
In the grip of monotony, we long to be free.

Yet amidst the monotone hues,
Seeds of change silently infuse.
A glimmer of hope in the mundane,
As we seek solace in life's refrains.

For in the rhythm of routine's song,
We find resilience to carry on.
Boredom fades, monotony's grip released,
As we rediscover life's joys, renewed and increased.

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