Monday, June 3, 2024

Midnight Cravings

Me: Write a poem about a man who is contemplating about what to eat for dinner

In the kitchen's warmth, a man does stand,
Contemplating dinner, a choice at hand.
Between the pantry's shelves, he roams,
A hunger in his heart, a longing for home.

Shall it be pasta, with sauce rich and red?
Or perhaps a salad, with greens crisp and spread.
The sizzle of steak, the aroma divine,
Or a comforting stew, in a bowl to dine.

His stomach rumbles, a symphony loud,
As he ponders his options, amidst the crowd.
Shall he indulge in comfort, or try something new?
The decision weighs heavy, as evening ensues.

In the end, he settles, on a meal just right,
A feast for the senses, in the soft candlelight.
With each bite, a moment to savor,
In the simple act of choosing, he finds his flavor.

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