Monday, June 3, 2024

A Child's Last Moments

Me: Write a sad poem about a child dying of cancer

In a room bathed in light, where shadows weep,
A child lies silent, in restless sleep.
Pale cheeks flushed with fever's cruel embrace,
A fragile body in a delicate race.

In the hushed whispers of the hospital hall,
A mother's tears, a father's call.
Doctors and nurses, their efforts in vain,
As the cruel disease tightens its chain.

Days blur into nights, a relentless fight,
Against the monster that steals the light.
In the child's eyes, a flicker of pain,
A warrior's spirit, yet weakened and strained.

In the silence of the night, prayers ascend,
For a miracle, a hope to mend.
But the stars remain silent, in their celestial place,
As the child slips away, in a final embrace.

In the depths of sorrow, hearts are torn,
As a life once vibrant, now forever mourned.
Yet in the echoes of loss, a memory remains,
Of a child's brave spirit, amidst life's cruel strains.

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