Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Rivertown: The Saga Ends (Part 22)


Me: Following up, the twins revealed that the reason for all those multiple births was so that they could create soldiers bearing their mark on the mortal realm, and when the time comes, those children will be awakened to help raze the mortal realm to make way for their rule, and that by turning those children into Celestia and Lysander's army, they were ruining their plans.


In the revelation within the eldritch realm, Nocturnos and Eclipsia exposed the insidious purpose behind the multiple births that had plagued the mortal realm. The cosmic tapestry unfolded with dark threads woven by the twins' malevolent design—to create an army of mortals bearing their mark, destined to awaken and serve their bid for dominion over the mortal realm.

The eldritch twins, architects of an intricate plan, sought to use the children born of the multiple births as vessels for their malevolent influence. Each child, marked by the eldritch essence, was meant to serve as a pawn in the impending cosmic conquest, awakening when the time was ripe to fulfill the twins' dark ambitions.

The celestial army, led by Celestia and Lysander, now understood the magnitude of the threat posed by the marked children. By turning them into allies against the eldritch twins, Celestia and Lysander had disrupted the carefully laid plans for a malevolent uprising.

In the cosmic confrontation that unfolded, the eldritch twins expressed their disdain for the interference, accusing Celestia and Lysander of thwarting their grand design. The celestial struggle intensified as the fate of marked children, now transformed into allies of cosmic light, hung in the balance.

The eldritch realm echoed with the clash of celestial forces, marking a pivotal moment in the cosmic dance of destinies. Celestia and Lysander, guardians of the mortal realm, stood resolute against the twins' dark ambitions, ready to face the consequences of their interference in the malevolent plot that sought to awaken an army of eldritch-marked children for a cosmic conquest that would reshape the destinies of mortals.

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